How Brand Strategy Mobilizes Your Startup's Funnel

How Brand Strategy Mobilizes Your Startup's Funnel 

Thought Leadership

By Shereen Aggour, Business and Marketing Growth Consultant at eBound Consultants

Many startups bypass brand strategy in the early stages, mistakenly perceiving it as a secondary priority – something to tackle after establishing the business basics and launching a go-to-market (GTM) strategy. 

Let me tell you… A well-crafted brand strategy does more than just differentiate; it accelerates the customer journey throughout the marketing funnel – from awareness to decision – ensuring growth and customer loyalty.

Here is how!

1. Awareness Phase

The first phase of your sales and marketing funnel is awareness, in which the primary objective of your GTM plan is to make potential customers aware of your existence. 

Many startups mistakenly believe that a logo is enough for their brand identity. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. In this phase, your brand narrative – which should be tailored to address your audience’s specific needs and emotions – is what will spark the initial interest that no mere logo can achieve.

How can your brand strategy elevate this phase?

  • Clear and Effective Brand Messaging: When you understand who you’re talking to, you can tailor your communication to resonate with their specific needs and pain points.

  • Appropriate Marketing Channels: Different audiences prefer different platforms.

  • Relevant Content: Understanding your audience allows you to produce content that increases the likelihood of capturing their interest.

  • Consistent Visual Identity: It increases your brand recognition, making your startup memorable.

2. Interest Phase

Potential customers that have become aware of your brand are now curious to learn more. Can you fuel someone’s curiosity without knowing anything about them? 

This is where your brand strategy plays a vital role in transforming that initial curiosity into genuine engagement through content that encourages deeper engagement. 

How can your brand strategy elevate this phase?

  • Your content is tailored to specific target audience personas.

  • Your brand messaging and tone will be consistent across all platforms, so your target audience is not confused.

  • Your brand personality is reflected by your content, which creates a memorable first impression.

3. Consideration Phase

As customers move from interest to consideration, your brand’s unique value proposition (UVP) comes into play. This is where many startups falter, focusing solely on features rather than the benefits and emotional connections that a brand strategy provides. 

The limitations of viewing a logo as the entirety of a brand strategy become glaringly apparent.

Especially in this phase, customers are looking for more than visual recognition. They seek a deeper connection with the brand, which a logo alone cannot provide. 

A comprehensive brand strategy that includes brand values, personality, and story is crucial here.

How can your brand strategy elevate this phase?

  • Differentiation: Your UVP clearly communicates what sets you apart from competitors. It highlights the unique benefits and value that customers can only receive from your brand.

  • Problem-Solution Fit: It addresses your customer’s needs and clearly explains how you fill them better than competitors.

  • Brand Story: Sharing your brand’s unique story creates an emotional connection that features alone will not match.

Effective brand messaging in this phase ensures that your potential customers see you as the only viable solution to their needs, not just another option among many.

4. Decision Phase

The decision phase is where the earlier layers of your brand strategy prove their worth. Customers look for validation of their choice through social proof and alignment of values. Testimonials, case studies, and user reviews are pivotal, but so too is demonstrating how your brand values resonate with those of your customers. This is where a deep, consistent brand strategy that goes beyond the logo can create a compelling reason for customers to choose you.


In conclusion, brand strategy should be far from just a logo or a secondary consideration for startups. It is the backbone of effective marketing across all stages of the funnel, ensuring not just a launch into the market, but a sustained, impactful engagement with your audience. 

By embracing a comprehensive brand strategy from the start, you can mobilise the entire marketing funnel, making every step more effective.

Remember, in today’s fast-paced startup world, new companies pop up all the time. Relying on product features only is like being in survival mode – any minute, new competitors will show up and poach your customers. 

To really grow and succeed, you need to connect with your customers on a deeper level. It’s not just about what you sell; it’s about how you make people feel. 

Brands that truly connect with people are the ones that will thrive in such a crowded market.

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