Why a Fractional CFO Could Be Good for your Startup and How to Work with One

Why a Fractional CFO Could Be Good for your Startup and How to Work with One 

Thought Leadership

By Gunjan Kumar, Founder and Managing Director at Pathway Consulting

A startup founder wears many hats and is stretched thin, trying to manage all aspects of the business. One area that often gets overlooked is financial strategy and oversight, sometimes because the startup’s core team may not have the expertise to manage financial matters. This is where a fractional CFO can be a true asset, since hiring a full-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO) can be a significant investment that many startups cannot afford. 

What Is a Fractional CFO?

A fractional CFO is an experienced financial professional working with a startup on a part-time or as-needed basis. They bring a wealth of expertise that can be tailored to the startup’s specific needs and business, providing practical guidance to manage both the operational and strategic aspects of finance. 

What Are the Benefits of Having a Fractional CFO?

Simply put, hiring a fractional CFO is as good as having a full-time CFO, without the hefty price tag. However, there are other compelling reasons to bring on a fractional CFO, including:

  • A fractional CFO provides financial foresight and instils a financial discipline, allowing the founders and core team to focus on their core business. They can help with the business’s financial predictability, assessing the financial viability of their product/service/business model.

  • Cost efficiency is the fundamental aspect of a fractional CFO’s service; they are very good at identifying cost-saving opportunities for the startup and can take care of regulatory compliance such as VAT, corporate tax, corporate law, regulator audit, etc.

  • Alongside managing the financial day-to-day, a fractional CFO can provide valuable insights and strategic direction to help startups achieve their financial goals, helping them see the financial projections, assess short-term and long-term funding needs, prepare for funding rounds, and perform an in-house business valuation. 

  • A fractional CFO can also help a startup set up an in-house finance and accounting department, identifying the right candidates, actively participating in the selection process, and training the team.

How to Work with a Fractional CFO?

  1. Set clear goals and outline responsibilities. Identify the specific financial goals and objectives you want to achieve, such as improving cash flow, securing funding, building a financial model, or optimising financial operations. It is of utmost importance to outline the responsibilities and tasks you expect the fractional CFO to handle.

  2. Communicate regularly. Schedule regular meetings (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) to conduct financial performance reviews, discuss strategies, and address any concerns. Ensure there is open and transparent communication that allows both parties the comfort to share updates, challenges, and feedback.

  3. Provide access to information/data. Ensure the fractional CFO can access the necessary financial systems, data, and reports, and that the financial data provided is accurate and up to date to enable effective analysis and decision-making.

  4. Collaborate on strategic planning. Work with the fractional CFO to align financial strategies with your overall business plan and objectives, build scenarios for various financial outcomes, and develop strategies to manage risks and opportunities.

  5. Use expertise for decision-making. Leverage the fractional CFO’s industry experience to decide investments, cost structure, pricing strategies, and growth initiatives. Ask them to help you with their knowledge to benchmark your financial performance against industry standards.

  6. Develop and monitor KPIs. Ask the fractional CFO to develop and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure your business’s financial performance and the effectiveness of the strategies you’ve implemented. 

  7. Be flexible and ready to adjust the scope of work as your business demands it. A fractional CFO can scale their involvement up or down based on your requirements. As your business grows, they can help with transitions such as preparing for audits, securing additional funding, or planning for a full-time CFO.

  8. Build a strong relationship. Foster a relationship based on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. This will enhance collaboration and the overall effectiveness of the engagement. Establish a feedback loop where both parties can share what is working well and what could be improved.

  9. Ensure legal and ethical compliance. Have the fractional CFO help you maintain compliance with the regulations and standards relevant to your industry.


Working with a fractional CFO can provide your business with critical financial leadership and insights while maintaining flexibility and cost-efficiency. By clearly defining roles, maintaining open communication, and leveraging their expertise, you can drastically enhance your business’s financial health and strategic positioning.

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