Annex Investments | AD SME
Partner / Funding

Annex Investments is a privately held investment management firm and venture builder that owns and controls a wide range of subsidiaries, as well as represents several multinational corporations. Its goal is to continually seek to drive growth by fostering both social and economic development through strategic alliances.


Annex’s mandate has been tailored to support the growth of the country’s SMEs, which are the foundation of the economy. The hope for the UAE tech sector now is that it can evolve into a global economy by initiating new ideas, commercializing them, and delivering value to customers by improving their lifestyles.


Annex is always on the lookout for disruptive ideas, as well as companies with alternative and unique selling points that it either supports or launches. The Annex team is extremely passionate about assisting local SMEs through a mix of knowledge-based and practical experience, to provide the populace with access to innovative products and services.


Annex’s recent investment in telemedicine startup Alma Health exemplifies the social impact the company hopes to create by providing strategic funding and connections. The venture builder has also recently invested in Dukkantek, a tech startup offering a store management platform for merchants to digitize their business transactions, providing them with the option to accept credit and debit payments, inventory management, delivery handling, and more.


Annex is diverse in its investment approach and hasn’t restricted its operations to one particular sector in the market. Rather, the company considers its involvement in different industries to be fueled by its far-reaching ideas and unique systems of thinking.

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